Nex in numbers
Nex is an International Business enabler and a connector of markets and opportunities. We help companies grow and transform by supporting them to internationalize and export, connecting them with markets and opportunities. We facilitate the organizations that develop the private sector, develop sectors and projects of impacts and cash.
We achieve this through the following service areas:
Nex Consulting – We are Trade and Development facilitators and we work with public and private organizations, companies and groups of companies, and international organizations and donors. We design, negotiate, implement, monitor and evaluate projects that contribute to the development of the private sector and that impact the sustainable development of the countries where we work. We work with a team of consultants in the company and associated consultants. For information on executed projects you can see more information here. Consultants interested in working on some of these projects, can register in our data base @nexperts here.
Marketexpert tools – Nex has experts and contacts in all the markets of the Caribbean, Europe, Central America, the United States and Latin America. We can offer links and contacts and we have coaching programs aimed at specific markets. Our first subscription program is DRmarketexpert. You can see more information here.
Exportready tools, training and coaching – we offer complete workshops for both service and goods exporting SMEs, both SMEs. We also have specialized training. Our results coaching program takes you to the main markets easily and with guaranteed results. See more details here on how we can get your company exportready.
Greenex – Sustainable development and innovation. Nex is committed to sustainable development, social equity and we make sure that this is an integral part of the projects, in addition to having associate experts and strategic alliances in these sectors. Innovation is also an essential element so that sectors and companies can compete and transform. Nex works consistently directly and through institutions such as the Services Coalition of the Dominican Republic (CSRD) and others for the formation of innovation networks and the promotion of these elements in all assisted sectors.
How we work
After 18 years of experience and her work as executive director of the Caribbean Agency for the Development of Exports, Caribbean Export, where she directed its restructuring and laid the foundations for the management of new cooperation projects, the orientation of exports to services and the new portfolio of investment promotion, Taiana Mora Ramis founded Nex in 2009. Nex is based on two fundamental pillars: international trade and cooperation for development and the fact that international trade is one of the basic tools for sustainable development, understanding and cooperation among the people.
Nex links regional and international development institutions, highly committed and competent consultants, and experts and allied institutions in the Caribbean, Latin America, Europe and North America.
Nex’s four areas of action are intertwined and mutually reinforced to seek successful international trade as a development tool and contribute to a better use of the resources of cooperation, organizations and companies, especially SMEs.
Why make Nex your ally?